We help organizations move people

from poverty to prosperity through Credit Building!

CBA by the numbers

CBA Members


CBA Members Reporting Loan Data


CBA Members Accessing Credit Reports


Credit Extended by CBA Members

$0 Billion

General Membership

Gain access to online toolkits, learning materials, and a network of over 500 nonprofit member organizations

CBA Access

Boost your clients’ outcomes by pulling credit reports and scores for use in financial coaching and/or underwriting


CBA Training Institute

Sharpen your professional knowledge and skills with interactive credit building training, tools and resources

CBA Reporter

Help your borrowers build credit histories by reporting their loans to the major consumer credit reporting agencies

CBA Business Reporter

Strengthen opportunity for business borrowers by reporting their loans to the major commercial reporting agencies

CBA Esusu Rent Reporter

Use this end-to-end solution for housing providers to report rental payments, engage residents, and track outcomes

Credit Building Consulting

Start or enhance your programming with customized credit building consulting, training and technical assistance

CBA Fund

Explore opportunities to expand access to responsible small dollar, credit building consumer loans to those in need

Annual CBA Symposium

Join this vibrant annual dialogue between nonprofits and entities engaged in credit reporting, scoring and granting

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