Laura Fisher

Board Vice Chair

Senior Vice President
VOX Global
Washington DC

Laura has 16 years of strategic and tactical communications experience, with specific expertise in financial services, media relations and issue advocacy. She has led media campaigns to help influence legislative and regulatory issues, served as executive director of a financial services nonprofit and directed national financial education campaigns.

As a senior member of the financial services team at VOX, Laura advises government, nonprofit and Fortune 500 clients in working with the media, engaging key influencers and managing regulatory risk. She has a keen sense of the banking and financial services competitive landscape and well developed relationships with the media and influencers who cover the industry.

Prior to joining VOX, Laura ran an independent communications consultancy, providing communications counsel to financial services organizations focused on financial planning, financial education, and corporate and small business lending. Before that she was a senior vice president at the American Bankers Association (ABA) where she spent almost a decade as a spokesperson and media strategist for high-profile government relations issues.

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